Choosing your gym is a bit like choosing a new coffee shop or a new place to eat. A good gym will motivate you to come back regularly to train. Of course, having a gym membership isn't essential for getting in shape (there are a multitude of ways to do cardio and weight training outdoors and at home), but it can be a great help. Think of it as a healthy investment with a high return on investment. Here are a few tips to help you choose your gym.

What type of equipment do you like to use?

It's important to choose your gym based on your needs. How often do you use the treadmill? Choose a gym with many treadmills so you don't have to wait to use them. Also make sure there is enough free weight. The workout you're going to do is the one you like. So when looking for a gym, find one that seems to have workout equipment and classes that you enjoy.

The location of the gym

Choosing a gym near your home or work is essential. Too long a drive can discourage you from going to the gym. Use Google Maps or another online tool to show all gyms within a five-kilometre radius. As you explore your options, check parking, another potential deterrent to getting to the gym. If you plan to go to the gym during your lunch break or after work, choose one near your office. If you prefer to work out in the morning or on the weekend, a gym near your home is preferable.

Check all the little details

When choosing your gym, you have to pay attention to all the details. Lighting that is too bright or too dim, music that is too loud, classrooms that are too crowded. Things that may not seem important on your first tour may become a major problem later on. A common example is the cleanliness of the gym, so look for signs of regular maintenance. Bathrooms and corners are two obvious signs of a clean gym. If the bathroom is dirty and there is dust in the corners, maintenance is a problem. Also check to see if the facility provides a means of disinfecting the equipment after use. Look for gym wipes or spray and towels and see if anyone is using them.